Everything mobile - that's exactly what this site is all about! At MobileFun.co.uk you will find all your mobile needs under one virtual roof, including all accessories and add ons you can think of. There is a large variety of different brands to choose from. If you already know what you want this is the natural place to start looking. If you are not sure about what it is that you want this is the perfect place to start looking. After all, it must be much better to have it all at the same spot instead of going through several sites to get what you want.
Say for instance that you are shopping around for Apple iPhone Accessories. MobileFun.co.uk offers you an enormous range of iPhone Accessories at bargain prices. Need an iPhone charger? At this site you will find exactly the model to best fill your needs. Do you think your iPhone looks dull and could use some make-up? At MobileFun.co.uk you will find a large assortment of iPhone cases that will give your iPhone quite a new look. But you don't have to take my word for it. Just surf over to MobileFun.co.uk yourself and see why this site is a must when you are out shopping for iPhone Accessories. Not to mention that this company has a real fast service. If your order is made before 6 PM the goods will be delivered the very same day. Plus you can now also pay by PayPal - a method of payment which is becoming more and more common these days.
The company is also running their own blog where you will find lots of product reviews in the field of mobile phones to help you when planning your purchases. For Everything mobile - go straight away to MobileFun.co.uk!
måndag, juni 29, 2009
fredag, maj 29, 2009
In need of a hotel room anywhere on the planet? Try Cheaperthanhotels.com.

But this is a resource that goes beyond that. You can search for a lot of other criteria, like star ratings and hotel features. Do you want a pool at your hotel or are you in need of disabled facilities? Obviously many others have discovered this site and how it may be of help to you – just see this blog catalogue mention of Cheaperthanhotels.
Cheaperthanhotels.com helps you getting the most out of your stay away from home. Go there before you go elsewhere.

Looking for a good mobile phone deal? Try Omio!
Buying a mobile phone can be quite a tall order. After all, technology is advancing all the time and if you are not too active in keeping up with all the latest news in this area you may find it difficult when it comes to buying a new mobile phone. Personally I am not much of a technical geek and as long as my old phone is working I am perfectly satisfied. But for one reason or another there will come the day when you are in the market for a new mobile phone. So how do you then find the best mobile phone deals?
I just discovered a great resource for comparing mobile phones and mobile phone deals. I am referring to Omio which is a comparison site for mobile phones. Also, it’s refreshingly easy to use. By the use of three sliders you can decide what level of monthly cost, inclusive texts and monthly minutes you want. Once you have decided these levels you will get a huge number of suggestions and you can then pick the deal and the model you want. This is actually a better alternative than surfing the web and checking out all the manufacturers websites. After all, time is money and Omio is a big help by providing you with all the necessary information in a matter of seconds so you can decide on a purchase.
If you are looking for a specific model, naturally you can also search for a particular mobile phone using the Mobile Phone Finder and you will get suggestions about special deals for your wanted models. I have used Nokia phones before and afte checking out the range of models available from this the world’s largest manufacturer of mobile phones I am seriously considering going for a Nokia phone again.
I just discovered a great resource for comparing mobile phones and mobile phone deals. I am referring to Omio which is a comparison site for mobile phones. Also, it’s refreshingly easy to use. By the use of three sliders you can decide what level of monthly cost, inclusive texts and monthly minutes you want. Once you have decided these levels you will get a huge number of suggestions and you can then pick the deal and the model you want. This is actually a better alternative than surfing the web and checking out all the manufacturers websites. After all, time is money and Omio is a big help by providing you with all the necessary information in a matter of seconds so you can decide on a purchase.
If you are looking for a specific model, naturally you can also search for a particular mobile phone using the Mobile Phone Finder and you will get suggestions about special deals for your wanted models. I have used Nokia phones before and afte checking out the range of models available from this the world’s largest manufacturer of mobile phones I am seriously considering going for a Nokia phone again.
mobile phone deals,
mobile phones,
Nokia phones
torsdag, april 16, 2009
Buy a Vauxhall at Perrys
Over the years I have owned several British cars and there is no question about it: the British automotive industry stands for quality. It has been quite a few years since I drove a British car but now it feels like the time is right to go British again. While searching the web I just came across a very informative and easy to navigate website, Perrys of the UK.
I have never owned a Vauxhall myself but when looking through their website I found lots of interesting objects for sale. Perrys is your local Vauxhall dealer at many various locations in the UK and as there are many used cars available, I thought it might be a good idea to check out what’s available next time I go to England. It could be a nice souvenir to bring back a car from my holiday. Here in Sweden I have sofar not been able to find a Vauxhall dealer at all. Interestingly, I found that Perrys does also have their own blog, which is quite unique for a motor sale business. The blog is labeled as “News And Views On New And Used Cars And The Motor Trade” and I found this as a new and creative way of communicating with your customers.
So next time I do buy a car, what is it going to be? With the Swedish automotive industry being in dire difficulties at the moment the question is if we will be able to get service and spare parts in the future. Not to mention that British cars are reliable and will give you thousands and thousands of miles of trouble-free driving. Yes, I think that next time I go over to England I will visit a local Vauxhall dealer to shop around. Maybe I will be driving a Vauxhall home.
I have never owned a Vauxhall myself but when looking through their website I found lots of interesting objects for sale. Perrys is your local Vauxhall dealer at many various locations in the UK and as there are many used cars available, I thought it might be a good idea to check out what’s available next time I go to England. It could be a nice souvenir to bring back a car from my holiday. Here in Sweden I have sofar not been able to find a Vauxhall dealer at all. Interestingly, I found that Perrys does also have their own blog, which is quite unique for a motor sale business. The blog is labeled as “News And Views On New And Used Cars And The Motor Trade” and I found this as a new and creative way of communicating with your customers.
So next time I do buy a car, what is it going to be? With the Swedish automotive industry being in dire difficulties at the moment the question is if we will be able to get service and spare parts in the future. Not to mention that British cars are reliable and will give you thousands and thousands of miles of trouble-free driving. Yes, I think that next time I go over to England I will visit a local Vauxhall dealer to shop around. Maybe I will be driving a Vauxhall home.
British cars,
Vauxhall dealer
måndag, mars 30, 2009
Shopwiki UK
Shopwiki has a section in the UK, too. Just as their American equivalent, the site lists multiple webshops in various categories and at the moment these amounts to around 30 000.
Some examples: Check out these tips for buying sources of Casual Work Clothes for Women, Women’s Fashion and Trends and Women’s Suits. You will surely find something of interest here. Naturally, any male reader may also use this resource for finding appropriate gifts for that very special lady.
If we stay on the subject of clothes for women maybe I should also mention Petite Clothing for Women and Women’s Blazers. It’s all on Shopwiki UK.
Some examples: Check out these tips for buying sources of Casual Work Clothes for Women, Women’s Fashion and Trends and Women’s Suits. You will surely find something of interest here. Naturally, any male reader may also use this resource for finding appropriate gifts for that very special lady.
If we stay on the subject of clothes for women maybe I should also mention Petite Clothing for Women and Women’s Blazers. It’s all on Shopwiki UK.
Shopwiki UK,
womens clothes
lördag, mars 28, 2009
How to find shopping sites on the web
The original meaning of the word ‘wiki’ is quick or fast in Hawaiian language. On the web it has become known as a sort of website which invites its readers to update the content. A truly effective way of using the power of interactivity.
I just discovered a wiki-based site called Shopwiki. The best way of advertising is actually getting the word to spread from person to person and a website using wiki-based technology is doing just that.
As for Shopwiki it is using a crawler technique similar to that of search engines to find new online shops. I just browsed around their site and it seems like they are covering most areas of interest. Should you have an interest which is not yet covered you may start a new guide on your special topic. Some examples: There are lots of sites of classic toys, action figures and dolls and dollhouses. Should you be more interested in electronic toys it’s all here. As I myself am very interested in music I naturally checked out the books movies and music section and I found lots of good online shopping sites.
Do check this great resource out and I’m sure you will find much shopping sites of interest.
I just discovered a wiki-based site called Shopwiki. The best way of advertising is actually getting the word to spread from person to person and a website using wiki-based technology is doing just that.
As for Shopwiki it is using a crawler technique similar to that of search engines to find new online shops. I just browsed around their site and it seems like they are covering most areas of interest. Should you have an interest which is not yet covered you may start a new guide on your special topic. Some examples: There are lots of sites of classic toys, action figures and dolls and dollhouses. Should you be more interested in electronic toys it’s all here. As I myself am very interested in music I naturally checked out the books movies and music section and I found lots of good online shopping sites.
Do check this great resource out and I’m sure you will find much shopping sites of interest.
action figures,
classic toys,
online shopping,
söndag, maj 04, 2008
Då jag i olika sammanhang framhållit fördelarna med en egen bloggdomän så måste jag givetvis själv föregå med gott exempel. Så från och med nu så hittar ni undertecknad på http://www.ronnybgoode.se/ och det är fint om ni som har länkat till min "blogspot" kan ändra era länkar vid tillfälle.
Så gäller det att hitta passande musik dagen till ära. Vad sägs om gamle teenbeat-hjälten Buzz Clifford och uppföljaren till hans hit "Baby sitting boogie"? En låt som heter "Moving day" och som delgetts allmänheten via YouTube och Gusselby Records, en blogg som kan varmt rekommenderas för alla er som är intresserad av gammal pop, rock och vinyl.
Så gäller det att hitta passande musik dagen till ära. Vad sägs om gamle teenbeat-hjälten Buzz Clifford och uppföljaren till hans hit "Baby sitting boogie"? En låt som heter "Moving day" och som delgetts allmänheten via YouTube och Gusselby Records, en blogg som kan varmt rekommenderas för alla er som är intresserad av gammal pop, rock och vinyl.
Buzz Clifford,
onsdag, april 30, 2008
Grattis C-G!
Vita Huset ber att få gratulera Östra Svealands ledande monark så hjärtligt på födelsedagen. Då det dessutom är valborgsmässoafton idag så finns dubbel anledning att fira med ett litet fyrverkeri. Eller rättare sagt: det största fyrverkeriet någonsin enligt Guinness Rekordbok. Fyrverkeriet brändes av på Madeira nyårsaftonen 2006 och arrangerades av Macedo’s Pirotecnica:
Läs även andra bloggares åsikter om fyrverkeri, valborg, kung.
Läs även andra bloggares åsikter om fyrverkeri, valborg, kung.
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